Start with why

I was introduced to Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why” concept a few years ago. His 20 minute TEDx talk from 2009 is the most watched TED Talk in history. I’ve embedded it below in case you want an intro, or a refresher. It’s a powerful concept.

I have applied the thinking in my professional life. Some years back, I chose to apply the “why?” concept to my personal life. I reflected upon Simon’s wisdom and this is what I came up with:

The reason why I exist is to equip my daughters with the fortitude to have fun making the world a happier place.

We’re a middle income family with a mortgage. My wife and I were raised with a great deal of love, amidst a good bit of chaos. We both come from hard working immigrant families. We never had a huge amount of money, and had to work for everything we have in our own lives.

We’re fortunate enough to be able to have some hobbies and take some occasional vacations. I recently re-discovered my passion for motorsports. This venture is a creative outlet where I can blend my personal why - to equip my daughters with the fortitude to have fun making the world a happier place - with my love of motorsports.

These adventures will ocassionally be journalled here. I will also share lessons learned in the form of reviews and guides. The focus will be on motorsports, family stuff, and travel.

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My youngest daughter’s

first time on a

roller coaster. She said she’d never ride it again.

She was terrified!

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A couple of years later, it was her idea to ride it again.

What a moment!

Our oldest daughter, in the red hat, is an amazing young woman. My raison d'être is to equip these two with the tools they need to thrive in a patriarchal society that seems bent upon destroying itself.

Our oldest daughter, in the red hat, is an amazing young woman. My raison d'être is to equip these two with the tools they need to thrive in a patriarchal society that seems bent upon destroying itself.


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